AG3: Automated Game GUI Text Glitch Detection based on Computer Vision


With the advancement of device software and hardware performance, and the evolution of game engines, an increasing number of emerging high-quality games are captivating game players from all around the world who speak different languages. However, due to the vast fragmentation of the device and platform market, a well-tested game may still experience text glitches when installed on a new device with an unseen screen resolution and system version, which can significantly impact the user experience. In our testing pipeline, current testing techniques for identifying multilingual text glitches are laborious and inefficient. In this paper, we present AG3, which offers intelligent game traversal, precise visual text glitch detection, and integrated quality report generation capabilities. Our empirical evaluation and internal industrial deployment demonstrate that AG3 can detect various real-world multilingual text glitches with minimal human involvement.

In proceedings of the 2023 ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023)